This is the list of questions and answers from the Webinar, Discovering Multisim Live, a Browser-Based Circuit Simulator, held on 02/06/2024.
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Question Asked | Answer Given |
Where can I get thea software to download and practice later | It is a browser based software, so there is no download or install needed! You can get started by creating an account for free at |
is this recorded for us to look into it later and download multisim | Yes - we will upload to YouTube and you'll receive an email with the link. Also, no need to download Multisim Live! Just log in through your browser. |
What if any advantages are there for MultiSim over LTSpice? | - Multisim Live is cloud based. Which means it requires no install, will work on any computer that can access the internet, and can be used from anywhere
- Large component library with third party components (LTspice is mainly geared towards ADI components) - Sharing and collaboration tools such as groups and public circuits |
Can the plotter graph X voltage (not time) vs Y voltage, an oscilloscope? Useful for observing phase, also known as Lissajous pattern. | No, but it is possible in Multisim Desktop. We are currently evaluating adding this feature. |
Can I create custom components? | Along with their standard models, you can use custom .model statements and SPICE subcircuit definitions (.subckt) for placed instances of these components: 3 and 4 terminal MOSFETs (.subckt for 3 terminal versions only) 3 and 4 terminal BJTs (.subckt for 3 terminal versions only) Diode Zener JFETs GaAsFETs (MESFETs) 5 terminal Opamps (.subckt definitions only) This feature is not available for manufacturer-specific components such as the 1N4001G diode. |
I'm interested in creating custom digital components not found in the Digital group. | This is not currently supported. It is a feature we are currently evaluating. You can vote on it in our idea space as well as provide more details for our dev team to review: |
Do the digital components have settable propagation delays? | Yes, digital components have configurable rise/fall propagation delays, as well as rise/fall transition times |
what will be duration of free tier | The free tier (Basic) has no time restrictions. |
LTspice is free. How much does Multisim cost? | We have 3 tiers. - Basic (Free) - Standard ($1-$2.99/month depending on your country) - Premium ($2.5-$9.99/month depending on your country) You can view details on the various tiers at |
Are there any complex models available for ex. motor controller, fan controllers? | We have more complex components available. You can download the entire premium component library (5,034 components) at |
Does Multisim possess any vacuum tube models? | Yes - we have a 12AX7A - The full components list can be viewed at |
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