1. Navigate to the desired Group License by selecting the Group License tab, the "My Group Licenses" menu item, and then the desired Group License from the table.
2. Click the "Invite New Members" button
3. This opens the Invite members interface. Enter the emails or alias's of the user's you'd like to invite. Please make sure the email address or alias is correct, otherwise the system will not send the invite. If you want to invite a user by alias, you will need to use the following format: @ALIAS (making sure to replace "ALIAS" with the username you would like to invite). Note that if you are inviting a user via an Alias, the user will already need an existing Multisim Live account.
4. You can also invite users by uploading a CSV of emails addresses. To do this, click the "Add emails from CSV button". Select a CSV file and select the column with the emails you'd like to invite. The emails from that column will automatically be added to the invite list. Click the "Send invites" button to send the invites.
5. Click the "Admin" menu item to see a list of pending invitations. You can cancel a pending invitation by clicking the "Cancel" button by the desired pending invitation.
6. To manage Group License members who have accepted an invitation, click the "Members" menu item.
7. Here you can remove members from the group and revoke or assign licenses to group members without a license.
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